As the days grow longer and nature adorns itself in its finest splendor, Scotland unveils its true beauty. June, the pivotal month when spring gives way to summer, offers an exceptional time to discover or rediscover this enchanting country. With the gentle glow of the midnight sun illuminating the Highlands and the whisper of waves on the secluded island beaches, Scotland in June is a symphony of colors, sounds, and emotions.

Tom, the dedicated director of our agency, and Amy, one of our passionate hiking guide, bring their unparalleled expertise and love for Scotland to every journey. Tom’s vast knowledge of the hidden gems and Amy’s infectious enthusiasm for the great outdoors ensure that each adventure is not only unique but also deeply personal. Together, they will lead you through the stunning landscapes and rich history of this remarkable country.

Let’s dive into the summary and our detailed reviews, where Tom and Amy will share their insights and tips to make your June journey in Scotland unforgettable.

  1. Weather
  2. Prices and Availability
  3. What to Wear?
  4. Midges
  5. What Activities to Enjoy in June?
  6. Wildlife and Flora
  7. Events

Weather : Is June a good month to visit Scotland?

Tom and Amy : Yes, without hesitation! It’s one of the best. Below are our answers to your most frequently asked questions.

What makes June such a special time to visit Scotland?

scottish summer isles

Tom: In June, Scotland is adorned with its most beautiful colors, offering an idyllic setting for nature lovers and budding adventurers. With average temperatures ranging between 60°F and 64°F, and rarely dropping below 45°F to 48°F at night, this month marks the beginning of a promising Scottish summer.

Amy: The weather, though sometimes unpredictable, tends to be pleasant, making June one of the most enjoyable months to explore Scotland’s vast green landscapes and picturesque coasts. Taking advantage of long, bright days, you can engage in a multitude of outdoor activities without fearing the discomfort of overwhelming heat or early darkness.

What kind of activities would you recommend during this time?

Amy: Whether hiking in the Highlands, exploring the islands, or simply strolling through the historic streets of Edinburgh, June’s climate is your ally for an unforgettable Scottish experience.

Tom: However, as Scotland is known for its unpredictable weather, it’s wise to prepare for all eventualities. Bringing clothing suitable for sudden rain or a cool breeze can make the difference between a comfortable adventure and a less pleasant experience. Take it from a local!

What about Prices and Availability (Flights, Hotels, Activities)

Tom: June in Scotland is not just a call to discover its natural and historical wonders; it’s also a strategic period to take advantage of favorable rates before the summer tourist influx. Although June borders on the high season, it still offers opportunities to travel at relatively moderate prices compared to July and August, when rates peak due to school holidays in the UK and Europe.

Amy: The key to maximizing these financial benefits lies in planning and booking early. Whether it’s for flights, accommodations, or activities, making arrangements in advance allows you not only to benefit from more attractive rates but also to secure your spot in the most coveted sites and lodgings. This transitional period thus offers a double advantage: experiencing Scotland in pleasant conditions and doing so in a financially advantageous way.

Are there any specific areas where early booking is particularly important?

Amy: Absolutely. Some regions, particularly prized for their beauty in this season, may experience an increase in demand. The islands, for example, with their exceptional wildlife and flora, and the Highlands, with their breathtaking landscapes, attract many visitors. Therefore, early booking is strongly recommended for those who wish to immerse themselves in these unique environments without compromise.

Tom: In summary, June represents the ideal time for those looking to balance exploring Scotland’s treasures with wise budget management. It’s the month to enjoy Scotland before the summer crowds settle in while making the most of good deals.

What to Wear: The Ideal Suitcase for Traveling in June

Tom: Packing for a trip to Scotland in June requires a careful balance between optimism and realism. Given the weather conditions can be as changeable as they are unpredictable, it’s crucial to adopt a “layering” approach to dressing. Here are some essentials not to forget to stay comfortable throughout your exploration:

  • Lightweight Rain Jacket: Essential for dealing with sudden showers without weighing down your luggage.

  • Convertible Pants: These pants easily transform into shorts, adapting to temperature variations throughout the day.

  • Light Sweater/Fleece: Your best ally for cool mornings or mild evenings.

  • Waterproof Hiking Shoes: Whether you’re navigating the cobbled streets of Edinburgh or the trails of the Highlands, good walking shoes are essential.

  • Hat or Cap: Protect yourself from the sun whenever it decides to make an appearance.

The trick is to pack clothes that can be easily layered, allowing you to add or remove layers according to the whims of the Scottish weather. Don’t forget a small scarf or shawl, useful for shielding yourself from a sudden breeze or an unexpectedly strong sun.

Amy: With this selection in your suitcase, you’ll be ready to fully enjoy every moment in Scotland, whether it rains, winds, or shines. The key is to be prepared for anything, allowing you to focus on the beauty and adventures that Scotland has to offer in June.

Are there Midges in June? How to deal with them ?

Tom: One of the minor inconveniences of Scotland in June, which has almost become an anecdote among travelers, is the presence of midges. These tiny flying insects, though minuscule, can be a nuisance, especially in wet areas.

Amy: However, with a bit of preparation, their presence should not hinder your enjoyment of Scotland’s wonders. It’s important to put their impact on your trip into perspective.

Tom: Absolutely. With the right precautions, such as using insect repellent and wearing long sleeves and trousers in areas where midges are prevalent, you can still enjoy everything Scotland has to offer.

Amy: For more detailed information, you can check out our dedicated article on midges. It provides tips and tricks to keep these little pests at bay.

Tom: In summary, while midges can be a bit of a bother, they shouldn’t deter you from exploring and enjoying the stunning landscapes and rich history of Scotland in June.

What activities would you recommend for travelers visiting Scotland in June?

The favorable weather conditions in June open up a wide range of activities across Scotland:


Tom: The favorable weather conditions in June open up a wide range of activities across Scotland. For instance, hiking is a must. Scotland’s landscapes, with mountains, valleys, and lochs, offer an ideal playground for hikers in June. The long days allow for ambitious routes, whether in the Highlands or along coastal paths. The vibrant colors of nature, the birdsong, and the mild air create an unforgettable hiking experience.

Mountain Biking

Trossachs in June

Amy: For thrill-seekers, mountain biking in Scotland in June is an experience not to be missed. The forests, mountains, and valleys offer varied terrain, from family-friendly trails to technical descents for the more experienced. Mountain biking centers like Fort William or the trails around Peebles promise adrenaline and breathtaking panoramas.

Sea Kayaking

Tom: Sea kayaking is another way to immerse yourself in Scotland’s coastal landscapes. June, with its generally mild weather and calm seas, is perfect for paddling along rugged coastlines, exploring sea caves, and approaching seabird colonies. From the waters of the Hebrides to the wild coast of Caithness, sea kayaking is an adventure into nature’s splendor.


Amy: Canoeing in Scotland in June invites you to explore the tranquil waters of lochs or the livelier courses of rivers. It’s a peaceful and immersive way to discover the beauty of the landscapes, accessible to all experience levels. From legendary lochs like Loch Ness to the winding rivers of the Trossachs, canoeing reveals a secret and majestic Scotland. Click here for more info about the best river to canoe in Scotland.


Tom: Fishing in Scotland in June is a true tradition. Whether it’s salmon fishing in famous rivers like the Spey or trout fishing in tranquil lochs, Scotland offers some of the richest fishing experiences in Europe. The long and often mild days of June allow you to fully enjoy these moments of tranquility in the heart of Scottish nature.


Amy: Scottish rivers, swollen by spring snowmelt, are perfect for rafting in June. From the white waters of the River Tay to the challenges of the Findhorn, Scotland offers routes for all levels, guided by experienced instructors. It’s an opportunity to combine adrenaline and the discovery of Scotland’s wild landscapes from a unique perspective.

Visiting Scottish Castles

Tom: Visiting Scotland’s castles is also particularly enchanting in June. The pleasant weather allows for leisurely strolls through the gardens and exploring the majestic rooms without the summer crowds. Edinburgh Castle, Stirling, Eilean Donan… Each castle has its own story to tell, often in a spectacular setting. Click here to discover our article about the best scottish castles.

What about wildlife and floora in June ?

Tom : June is the perfect time for enthusiasts of wildlife and flora. The lush landscapes are alive with the sounds and sights of native species:

  • Marine Life: Boat excursions offer the chance to spot dolphins, whales, and seals along the coast.
  • Bird Watching: The cliffs and islands are a sanctuary for seabirds, including puffins and eagles.
  • Flora: The countryside is ablaze with the colors of wildflowers, from bluebell woods to the heather-covered mountains.

Visiting Distilleries

Tom: Whisky, that Scottish ambrosia, is best discovered in its temples: the distilleries. June, with its mild days, is the perfect time to visit these centers of craftsmanship where tradition blends with innovation.

Amy: From the Speyside Valley to the Isle of Islay, distilleries open their doors for guided tours, tastings, and to share the secrets of distillation. It’s a unique opportunity to learn about the rich history and meticulous process behind each bottle of whisky.

Tom: The experience of visiting a distillery goes beyond just tasting the whisky. It’s about understanding the passion and expertise that go into each stage of production, and June’s pleasant weather makes the tours even more enjoyable.

Amy: Whether you’re a whisky aficionado or a curious novice, these tours offer something for everyone. You get to immerse yourself in the distinctive aromas, flavors, and stories that make Scottish whisky renowned worldwide.

Tom: So, if you’re visiting Scotland in June, make sure to include a distillery tour in your itinerary. It’s an essential part of the Scottish experience that you won’t want to miss.

Is it possible to see the Northern Lights in Scotland during June?

Tom: It is extremely unlikely that you will be able to see the Northern Lights in Scotland in June. They are typically observed during the Scottish winter, from November to March, when the daylight hours are shorter.

Amy: Even during the winter months, sightings of the Northern Lights in Scotland are relatively rare. The conditions need to be just right, with clear, dark skies and high solar activity.

Tom: So, while Scotland offers many breathtaking experiences in June, the Northern Lights are not usually one of them. The long days and short nights of the summer months simply don’t provide the darkness needed for this natural phenomenon.

Amy: If seeing the Northern Lights is a priority, we recommend planning a trip during the winter months when your chances are better. However, June has its own unique charms and plenty of other natural wonders to enjoy.

Can you attend Highland Games in June?

Tom: Although the peak of the Highland Games season is later in the summer, some games begin as early as June, giving early visitors a unique opportunity to witness these traditional competitions.

Amy: It’s definitely worth checking the local schedule with our advisors to find out if any games are planned near your stay. The Highland Games are a golden opportunity to see legendary feats of strength like the caber toss and Scottish wrestling, all in a festive atmosphere.

Tom: Attending the Highland Games in June offers a fascinating glimpse into Scottish culture and traditions. It’s an experience filled with excitement, community spirit, and incredible athleticism.

Amy: So, if you’re in Scotland in June, don’t miss the chance to witness these historic competitions. It’s a memorable addition to your trip that truly captures the essence of Scottish heritage.

June 2024 Schedule

  • Helensburgh & Lomond Highland Games: June 1, 2024, on the shores of Loch Lomond.
  • Markinch Highland Games: June 2, 2024, in John Dixon Park, Markinch, KY7 6JS.
  • Bearsden & Milngavie Highland Games: To be confirmed, Milngavie, East Dunbartonshire.
  • Drumtochty Highland Games: June 22, 2024, on the grounds of Drumtochty Castle.

What Scottish events can visitors look forward to in June?

Tom: Scotland’s cultural calendar is rich with events in June. It’s a vibrant time of year with something for everyone.

Amy: Yes, absolutely. For instance, the Edinburgh International Film Festival is a highlight, showcasing a fantastic array of films from around the world. It’s a must-visit for film enthusiasts.

Tom: And let’s not forget the Royal Highland Show, which is a celebration of rural life and agriculture. It offers everything from livestock competitions to food and craft stalls, making it a great family outing.

Amy: Music lovers can enjoy the West End Festival in Glasgow, which features an array of music performances, street parties, and cultural events. It’s a wonderful way to experience the local arts scene.

Tom: For those interested in history and reenactments, the Bannockburn Live event commemorates the Battle of Bannockburn with immersive experiences and activities.

Amy: There’s also the Glasgow Science Festival, perfect for families and anyone interested in science and innovation. It features workshops, talks, and interactive exhibits.

Tom: So, whether you’re into film, agriculture, music, history, or science, June in Scotland has something to offer. It’s a fantastic time to immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of the country.

Scotland’s cultural calendar is rich with events in June, a selection:

Summer Solstice: Experience the magic of the longest day at ancient sites like the standing stones of Calanais.

Music and Arts: Festivals across the country celebrate Scotland’s artistic heritage, offering something for everyone.

Glasgow International Jazz Festival: A major event celebrating jazz in all its forms. Attracting internationally renowned artists as well as local talent, it offers a multitude of performances ranging from traditional jazz to modern fusions.

Edinburgh International Film Festival: One of the oldest and most prestigious film festivals in the world. It features a diverse selection of international films, from highly anticipated blockbusters to innovative independent works.

FyneFest: A celebration of craft beer, food, and music set in the picturesque Fyne Valley in Scotland. This friendly festival attracts brewers from across Scotland and beyond, allowing visitors to sample a wide range of beers. In addition to tastings, FyneFest offers live music concerts, outdoor activities, and local food stalls.

Glasgow West End Festival: A dynamic community event celebrating culture, art, and music in Glasgow’s lively West End. With a varied program including theater, dance, music, literary readings, and art exhibitions, this festival attracts a diverse audience.

Leith Festival in Edinburgh: A celebration of the culture and history of the port district of Leith. This annual event offers a wide range of activities, including theater performances, art exhibitions, music concerts, and historical tours. The festival aims to promote the Leith community, highlighting its unique heritage.

So, tempted by the idea of discovering Scotland in June? Our team of local guides and advisors is here to help. Feel free to contact us to discuss your upcoming trip to Scotland. Click here to contact us.

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